previous experience is necessary in order to receive the rites. Join
us on this sacred journey to receive and learn how to pass on all 9
rites to others, to assist them in raising their vibration and to usher
in the new age of consciousness, as humanity’s consciousness shifts and
awakens for the betterment of our planet.
of you have received a calling from Spirit, and long to make a
difference in the world and in your life. When you come to the path of
the Earthkeepers with sincere intention and an open heart, you’ll soon
notice that you’re not alone. You’ll find yourself in the company of
like-minded people who strive to live by ethics and vision. And you’ll
find yourself in the company of Earthkeepers who lived on this planet
many thousands of years ago, luminous beings who are now part of the
great matrix of life. These Earthkeepers will add their power and vision
to yours. As you experience the Munay Ki, you’ll feel the presence and
sense the wisdom of these luminous ones who have
broken out of linear time and now dwell in sacred time, in infinity,
free from the grip of karma and rebirth. The Munay Ki will clear your
luminous energy field of the psychic sludge left by past traumas. As you
raise your level of vibration, these luminous beings will come to you
and guide you.
rites of the Munay Ki are energetic transmissions that help you to
shift into this new way of being. They are the seeds that change the
vibration of your energy field and help you come into alignment with
your soul’s purpose. The accompanying journey provides a safe and sacred
space where you are deeply supported and guided to clear all that is in
the way of fully expressing your light. Now is the time to open your
heart and speak from your soul, magnifying your intent and supporting
each other on this great journey forward.
Munay-Ki are the 9 great rites of initiation into the Shaman’s Path of
the Q’ero nation, the descendants of the Inka - the indigenous people of
the holy mountains of the Andes in Peru. Traditionally, one spent many
years in sacred study before and between receiving these Initiatory
Rites. The Elders, however, believe that we are at a critical juncture
in human history and that these Rites need to be transmitted to as many
people as possible, without the need for lengthy transitions in between
the Rites. The Munay-Ki heal us and transform our human energy field
into that of homo luminous. These Rites are available for all and anyone
can benefit from these transmissions.
Rites are given through an attunement healing process, during which the
recipient will receive the healing and also the transmission. These
Rites are sacred and powerful and your life changes after receiving it.
Rites take months to years to integrate and work with you during your
own spiritual development.
you receive the nine rites, your chakras will have the opportunity to
become clear and you'll acquire what the Earthkeepers know as the
rainbow body, as your chakras glow with their original radiance.
have been the keepers of a body of processes, of rites, that usher in
who we are becoming as a people, as a planet. These processes are not
only for the Indians, but for the entire world." Don Manuel Quispe
(Peruvian Shaman)
The Munay-Ki comes from a Quechua word that means 'I love you.'
The Munay-Ki are the nine rites of initiation to become a person of
wisdom and power who has accepted the stewardship for all creation. The
rites are common to all shamanic traditions, even though they are
expressed in different forms and styles in various cultures. They derive
from the great initiations from the Hindus Valley that were brought to
the Americas by the first medicine men and women who crossed the Baring
Straits from Siberia during the glacial period some 30,000 years ago.
These courageous travellers were the Earthkeepers of old.
very bold is happening in our world today. There is a new energy with
us that cannot be denied. This rising energy is catalysing monumental
shifts in how we perceive the world around us. As our perceptions of
the world change, so too, does the world itself. It is through our
increasing ability to Love, that we, along with the world, are evolving.
you experience the 7th, 8th, and 9th initiation, you can download a new
and better version of the software that informs the luminous energy
field, which will then inform your DNA, giving it instructions on how to
create a new body that will age, heal, and die differently. There's
nothing you need to do to attract these luminous shamans. They'll come
to you when you invite them to do so and are ready to receive them. When the student is ready, the master appears.
They will not disturb you in any way, but are available to support you
in your efforts to bring a bit more light and healing into the world.
They're also there to protect you from the negativity and fearful
energies in the world today.
* Strengthens your intuition and healing abilities
* Heals and balances your inner feminine and masculine
Activates communication with your guides and helps you to perceive
energies with your physical eyes (not just your inner or mind’s eye)
* Opens and facilitates healing of your heart chakra
* Increases and enhances your capacity and ability to create
* Accelerates your spiritual evolution by shifting your consciousness
* Enables you to stand in your own power, assert your boundaries and take back control of your life!
* Assists you to manifest and co-create at a faster pace
students have reported being able to see energies more clearly
afterwards, as well as receiving messages from their guides (who they
had not communicated with ever), and also having visions or receiving
answers in the form of pictures popping into their minds.
me, the Munay Ki was an important catalyst in my life – not only has my
business becoming more successful, I am also now living a more
fulfilling life, following my life purpose and passion. Receiving the
rites helped me to overcome limiting beliefs, which were stagnating my
life and holding me back. I have also been able to see energies more
clearly, with my physical eyes this time, not my "inner eyes" and feel
more peaceful and connected to source. That tight feeling inside me
that felt like I was anxious and holding onto something tightly has also
now cleared!
recommend to everyone who is on a spiritual journey to receive the
Munay Ki rites as they truly are life-changing, and need to be passed on
to as many people as possible, in integrity and “in munay”, in order to
assist with humanity’s great shift, so that Eagle and Condor can once
again fly wing-to-wing.
first rite connects you to a lineage of medicine men and women from the
past that come and assist you in your personal healing. These luminous
beings work on you during your meditation and sleep time to heal the
wounds from the past and of your past lives. This Rite is connected to a
lineage of luminous beings from the past, who come to assist in your
personal transformation on your path of evolution.
In the Bands of Power Rite, 5 luminous belts are woven into the
Luminous energy field. They act as filters, breaking down any negative
energy that comes toward the initiate into one of the 5 elements. These
energies then feed the auric field instead of making you sick. The bands
of Power are always "on‟, and negative energies bounce right off them.
In a world filled with fear, the bands provide essential protection.
This rite can also be given to animals (fish, birds, reptiles, domestic
animals and wild animals).
you receive seven archetypes into your chakras. In the first chakra,
you receive the archetype of serpent; jaguar goes into the second;
hummingbird into the third; and eagle into the fourth. Then, three
“archangels” go into your upper three chakras. This is the rite that
assists you in clearing issues and belief systems that no longer serve
you and are holding you back.
rite installs filaments of light extending from your visual cortex in
the back of your head to your third eye and heart chakras. This practice
awakens your ability to perceive the invisible world and energy
patterns, and strengthens your connection to communicating with your
guides and higher self.
The Day Keepers were the matters of the ancient stone altars found in
sacred places throughout the world, from Stonehenge to Machu Picchu. The
Day Keepers are able to call on the power of these ancient altars to
heal and bring balance to the world. This rite is an energetic
transmission that connects you to a lineage of Laikas (healers) from the
past. This rite heals your inner feminine and activates your
creativity, compassion and ability to accept love.
legends say that the ancient wisdom resides in the high mountains. The
ice-covered peaks were revered as places of power, just as other
mountains around the world, from Mt. Sinai to Mt. Fuji to Mt. Olympus,
have been honoured as places where humans meet the divine. This rite
helps you to step outside of time and taste infinity and heals your
inner masculine.
This rite connects you to a lineage of archangels that are guardians of
our galaxy. They're reputed to have human form and be as tall as trees.
The Earth Keepers, who are stewards of all life on the Earth, come
under the direct protection of these archangels and can summon their
power when they need to in order to bring healing and balance to any
situation. When you receive this rite, you accept responsibility for
the healing and protection of all life on this planet (not just human
rite anchors you safely to the time after the great change that is said
will occur on or around the year 2012. According to ancient lore, when
you receive this rite, your physical body begins to evolve into that of
Homo Luminous. The aging process is slowed down, and you become
resistant to diseases you were once vulnerable to. This rite begins the
activation of your dormant DNA strands.
you receive this initiation, you awaken the God-light within you and
acquire stewardship for all of creation, from the smallest grain of sand
to the largest cluster of galaxies in the universe. This rite has never
been available before on the planet. Although there were individuals
who attained this level of initiation and awakened their Christ or
Buddha consciousness, it was never possible to transmit these from one
person to another, until today. The Creator Rite was brought forth and
gifted to us by Inka elders of the Andes Mountains in Peru. This rite
assists you in creating a better future for yourself.
Earthkeepers felt that people would come to the Munay-Ki when they
were ready and felt a calling to do so. Today, we're going through an
evolution as we bring this ancient body of knowledge into the 21st
century. And although the outer form of the teachings change, the inner
form remains the same. It is believed that we are the new Earthkeepers
who, it is prophesised, will come from the West.